
Thursday, February 18, 2010

We have seen in practice that people from all over the world read Quran online looking for the logical answers to oneness of God. Human mind always looks for reasons and logics behind everything. This is why the existence of mankind is always defined with logics. Even if we talk about religion it is also under the influence of logical existence and evidence to every query in the mind of a human being. Now if we look at the teachings of Quran we would defiantly find that Allah has given the answers of mankind on their level so that they don’t come up with a question that why Allah did not explain.

Muslims learn Quran because the explanation of the word we call ‘logic’ in it is quite enlightens thought. It explains the concept that there is nothing useless in the world. So there has to be logic behind the existence too. Logic behind the existence of mankind, jinns, animals, birds and their presence in the world we call the earth. Allah asks every human being to look around and chose the path of his own.

Quran learning is a process that tells us why is there a need of evidence to everything? Does no evidence changes the fact that there is only one God who rules the universe? No it does not because if we have such a complex thing called the universe were not even a house can be built without applying a force then how can the universe be formed by itself? Now we come to the answer of the people who worship any natural phenomenon. We see in Quran that Allah uses the word contradiction when we talk about that the number of Gods or Goddesses people worship. It is true that if there was no one God the world would end up in contradictions.

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